Summer might be gearing down, but hopefully you and those close to you still have a few warm days to enjoy by the pool. However, even if you have already begun the process of of winterization, please observe this brief post on securing the possibility of leaks from your inground pool.

The Red Flags of Pool Leakage

Winterizing the pool of course means that you put all related toys and accessories away in their proper place for the coming season, give the unit a good cleaning, and possibly even drain the water levels some. During this time however; it is also a good idea to check for any possible leaking in and around the pool and pump areas. Excessively hot weather can weaken the external plastic piping and the continuous flow of chlorinated or salt water can corrode the pump. Both of these elements, if left unattended can cause leak issues within the external workings of your pool. Equally so, it is just as important to do likewise in the spring, after the ground thaws, as fluctuating ground temperatures can cause damage to buried pipework and ultimately lead to leaks below.

The information super highway has many DIY techniques for detecting leaks that are performed inside the pool itself. There are testing strips and bobbers for maintaining accurate water levels, as well as for checking for proper salt/chlorine content that can be purchased wherever pool products are sold, which is basic knowledge. 

Items for detecting interior leaks also include dark powders, or you can just add dark food coloring to the area around interior cracks within your pool. Some of the more common signs of a leaky pool could include.

*Standing water in yard from cracked pipes underground

*Excess water around pump pad from pump or external piping

*Standing water near pool area from pipes or cracked foundation

When all Else Fails...

Suppose you are the manager of a hotel, or the operator of a casino, or a private residence with a larger than average unit however. Most people in this situation apply their time being diligent at there jobs, which means they probably don't have it to spare on such extra responsibility. Still, regular upkeep and maintenance on an inground pool is a pretty mandatory thing. This is the time when a professional service might be more effective. 

In southern California, the best place to start is San Diego Pool Services for swimming pool leak detection. They have a more than ample staff to cater to your most ghastly pool care and leak detection methods available.

San Diego Pool Services will not only be able to detect the smallest fraction relating to pool leaks, but will also provide your pool with the TLC it needs to be restored and leak free. You can find all of the related information on their website and it will give you a broader explanation of how their repair services are handled.
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