Pool leaks can lead to unusually high water bills.

A swimming pool is an impressive addition to any home, and keeping its glistening waters in perfect condition is a top-priority for many pool-owners. One aspect of this is to repair, detect, and prevent leaks. It goes beyond keeping the pool looking good- leaks can lead to unusually high water bills. Indeed, the City of San Diego lists pool leaks as a reason for soaring bills. This is definitely something to avoid.

Detecting a Pool Leak

Maybe you have noticed that the water levels in your pool are dropping dramatically. Although some water loss (1/8 inch per day) is inevitable due to evaporation, if you are routinely loosing a 1/4 inch of water each day, something could be wrong. If you think that you might have a pool leak, there are many ways to go about confirming your suspicions.

Checks to Make

For a sense of certainty, it is best to use a pool leak detection service to identify any problems. However, if you would like to get it done yourself, there are some important steps to take.

First, it is important to look for signs of damage around the pool. These include soggy spots in the ground and cracks on either the pool floor or deck.

Next, try the bucket test. Place a bucket in the pool, leaving the top above the surface (placing it on a pool step is a good option). Fill the bucket up with water, to meet the pool level. 24 hours later, check whether the levels are still the same. If not- you've caught a leak.

If you think you might know where the leak is, try the dye test. Release some dye into the area surrounding the leak. If the pool is indeed compromised, you will see the dye being pulled out of the water, and into the leak.

Get the Experts In

If you are not sure about detecting your own pool leak, delegating the task to professionals is a great option. However, you may be wondering: where can I find pool leak detection near me?

Working across the San Diego area, the San Diego Pool Service will go above and beyond to help you. Using sophisticated, cutting-edge technologies, the pool-experts detect leaks in as little as five minutes. Taking the guesswork out of your pool care is a sure way to go.

Next Steps

Of course, getting the pool leak repaired is imperative. No matter the problem, referring to an expert is the stress-free way to go, to keep your pool healthy. San Diego Pool Service offers pool repairs that will target the crux of the problem, no matter how deep underground. Thoroughly tested and expertly completed, you can trust these repairs to make your leak history.

On a final note, prevention is key to avoiding pool leaks. Do make sure to consider your pool when watching cold-weather reports (to prevent frozen pipes) and carry out regular services. And if you have your suspicions about a pool leak, get in touch with a professional and act quickly. 

Have you ever considered acid washing your pool? Or does your pool cleaner skim and use the chemicals that our parents have always used? Are those chemicals made to remove mineral and organic stains like getting an acid wash does? Most aren't.

Have you ever considered acid washing your pool? Or does your pool cleaner skim and use the chemicals that our parents have always used? Are those chemicals made to remove mineral and organic stains like getting an acid wash does? Most aren't.

Pool acid wash process

When a pool service does an acid wash they first start by draining the whole pool. Secondly, the debris from seasons before is all cleaned out and cleared. The pool professionals then apply a chemical solution to the surface of the pool. Finally they scrub, rinse and it leaves your pool with an even clean pool surface. This process allows your pool a nice fresh look after the first service. This pool acid wash process leaves you with a freshly washed pool and a peace of mind. 

Companies that offer pool acid wash near me

When you have a pool it can take a lot of work to keep it clean throughout the whole summer. Having a company come in and do all of it for you can be worth it. If your not a handy man or have experience then regular pool maintenance might just end up in one big head ache for you and your check book. Skimming, pool acid wash, chemicals, all of these things have to be factored in when deciding on opening up your pool for the season. Click for more info on how to acid wash your pool. If you don't use the proper materials and supplies then your pool could possibly take longer to open up for the season. The last thing you want is for the kids to be hassling you about how hot and bored they are over summer break. 

Swimming pool acid wash cost

According to Porch, the typical acid wash for a pool is about $0.42 to $0.50 per square foot. This making the average pool washing between $126 to $150. Your price will really vary on how big your pool is. Compared to some of the other pool services that are offered, the price is more affordable for the cleanliness you will receive. To have an acid wash done to your pool is only a one per season process if your pool is properly maintained throughout the summer.

In conclusion

Having a well maintained pool is a summer time must. Hosting pool parties, late night dips after work or a fun activity to give the kids during summer break. Save yourself the time and think about a pool service company to take that headache away from you. Most pool companies offer a wide variety of packages and services. By exploring your options, getting quotes and finding the best package deal for your swimming pool can make you the best parent in town with the best back yard hang out spot on the block. 

Summer might be gearing down, but hopefully you and those close to you still have a few warm days to enjoy by the pool. However, even if you have already begun the process of of winterization, please observe this brief post on securing the possibility of leaks from your inground pool.

Summer might be gearing down, but hopefully you and those close to you still have a few warm days to enjoy by the pool. However, even if you have already begun the process of of winterization, please observe this brief post on securing the possibility of leaks from your inground pool.

The Red Flags of Pool Leakage

Winterizing the pool of course means that you put all related toys and accessories away in their proper place for the coming season, give the unit a good cleaning, and possibly even drain the water levels some. During this time however; it is also a good idea to check for any possible leaking in and around the pool and pump areas. Excessively hot weather can weaken the external plastic piping and the continuous flow of chlorinated or salt water can corrode the pump. Both of these elements, if left unattended can cause leak issues within the external workings of your pool. Equally so, it is just as important to do likewise in the spring, after the ground thaws, as fluctuating ground temperatures can cause damage to buried pipework and ultimately lead to leaks below.

The information super highway has many DIY techniques for detecting leaks that are performed inside the pool itself. There are testing strips and bobbers for maintaining accurate water levels, as well as for checking for proper salt/chlorine content that can be purchased wherever pool products are sold, which is basic knowledge. 

Items for detecting interior leaks also include dark powders, or you can just add dark food coloring to the area around interior cracks within your pool. Some of the more common signs of a leaky pool could include.

*Standing water in yard from cracked pipes underground

*Excess water around pump pad from pump or external piping

*Standing water near pool area from pipes or cracked foundation

When all Else Fails...

Suppose you are the manager of a hotel, or the operator of a casino, or a private residence with a larger than average unit however. Most people in this situation apply their time being diligent at there jobs, which means they probably don't have it to spare on such extra responsibility. Still, regular upkeep and maintenance on an inground pool is a pretty mandatory thing. This is the time when a professional service might be more effective. 

In southern California, the best place to start is San Diego Pool Services for swimming pool leak detection. They have a more than ample staff to cater to your most ghastly pool care and leak detection methods available.

San Diego Pool Services will not only be able to detect the smallest fraction relating to pool leaks, but will also provide your pool with the TLC it needs to be restored and leak free. You can find all of the related information on their website and it will give you a broader explanation of how their repair services are handled.
Other sources: www.intheswim.com/leaking-pool-pump/